During the Jets horrendous loss to the Steelers, my friend Joe, of the not so often posted to Sfumato blog, turned to me and said,
"Fat Riz is making a return."
To which I replied,
"That's ok, Fat Kitch is making a big comeback too."
I've packed on 12-13 lbs since I had to stop Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because of my foot injury. At 205 I'm not exactly svelte, but man o man its waaay better than the 217 the scale read on Tuesday night. The even weirder thing is I woke up Weds morning and weighed myself and I was 214. Where the hell did those three pounds go? I peed 3 lbs? Its a mystery.
That said, I've started going to Crunch Fitness on 38th street and I've started the AbsDiet and workout plan as laid out on the Men's Fitness Website. I even entered the AbsDiet contest and will be taking a picture of my fat ass for a "before" shot tomorrow and in 6 weeks will submit an after shot - the hope being that I will drop 10-20 lbs and maybe win a car. Actually I don't give a crap about the contest, its really more about giving myself some desperately needed structure. Hopefully, within that structure I will be able to drop some weight, lower my cholesterol and generally look and feel better. If I can transform my life somewhat - that's the biggest prize. Also, being able to replace the fat "before" photo thats about to go up with a better one -- that's pretty good motivation too.
So far, I've done two workouts at Crunch. The first day was dips, pullups and abwork and the second day was running with some abwork. I ran 4 miles and did some abwork and my legs are sore today and my arms are still sore from the workout on Weds. Man, you can really go to hell in one month if you let yourself. Tomorrow I start the AbDiets deal.
Six weeks, two photos and a goal of 192.6 to 197.6 lbs. Lets see what happens.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
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1 comment:
The aforementioned lurker again... speaking of Jiu Jitsu, have you seen that reality show called "The Ultimate Fighter"? I would be interested to get your thoughts on it if you've seen it. Premise is basically you take a bunch of guys who think their tough, have some experience in mix martial arts, they get put through a boot camp of sorts by by 2 UFC fighters, and then they make it into a contest to see who gets a UFC contract. Anyway, they've put them through some pretty gruelling workouts. Thought you might find it interesting.
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