Saturday, February 05, 2005

Yahoo! Sports - NHL - A MINOR MIRACLE: Wings transplants elevate Mechanics, delight fans

Yahoo! Sports - NHL - A MINOR MIRACLE: Wings transplants elevate Mechanics, delight fans

Thanks to alert reader and friend, Sfumato, for sending me this link. Being a rabid Red Wings fan, its nice to see some of the boys getting some ice time in and giving the folks in Detroit a lift. Like Chelios says in the article - too bad if some minor league guy isn't getting some ice time. Its not like anyone lost their jobs over this -- they are evidently rotating the vets through the team and benching guys in turn. And if some guy is whining about losing his ice time, maybe he should shut the hell up and watch the 20+ year veteran Chelios school people half his age and learn something.

Of course I do feel a bit sorry for the poor SOB going into the corner after the puck and having Derian Hatcher there to pounce on you and give you the stinky glove facial and otherwise just make you pay for going into the corner after his puck. Again, though - I think you can learn something from that, like facing adversity or some shit, so its good for the minor league player in this case as well.

One other hockey comment in regards to this lockout business...about Donald Brashear of all people. I am not the guys biggest fan, but I can see his point when he bitches that the league did not do enough to protect him from young bucks trying to make a name for themselves by fighting him. Its like guys taking on Billy The Kid. You want to make a name for yourself, its just a very dangerous way to go about it. Same deal with Brashear. From what I hear, he was reluctant to drop the gloves, but basically had a bunch of guys lined up waiting to scrap with him every game. If he knocks the crap out of somebody - what the heck can you do. You (you being the Quebec semi=pro league he was playing in) basically took Brashear on as a major draw, let guys go after him and then turn around and suspend him for the season for engaging in the very activity you promoted. Now, I did not see the fight that triggered the suspension, so I'm not sure if Brashear pulled any cheap shit, if any. Even so, IMO, the league bears some responsibility.

Anyone out there have a video file of the fight? Bit Torrent maybe?

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