My kneejerk anti-evil empire reaction is "So what?".
Then I actually went and clicked the link to check it out. What the hell. I could be leaving for work and get in early, but that just means I'll be there longer since I'll have to stay late no matter what. Screw that shit.
Back to the point - this search thing. According to D2Stuff, it's got a Web 2.0 look. I still have no idea what that means. A quick search on "What the hell is Web 2.0" on Google turned up this result from O'Reilly Digital Media. A quick scan of the article gleans the following:
- There are a lot of blogs
- There are more and more blogs
- Content delivery is getting better (via AJAX for example)
- Hardware is getting better (man what a tiny iPod.)
- These things mix up some how and become Web 2.0
Nothing there about a certain look, though. If there is a certain look for Web 2.0, whatever the hell it is - say the way there is a certain look for graphic design sites because everyone borrows and steals from the best and from each other combined with a shared Jungian archetype of taste - it will be because of pretty much those same reasons.
What I do see though is Web 2.0 function. It's the function, wrapped up in a pretty package that makes up the "look" I think D2Stuff means. For example, the Yahoo mail beta -- you can drag and drop mail and there are lots of little widgets. It's web based, but behaves like an application. Google Maps, you can click and drag the map from sea to shining sea. On the MSN search, you scroll through a pane of results by clicking a scroll control rather than paging through a set of results. Or, you can move a little slider to control the verbosity of your results. Whatever. Yippee. I guess it's really just simulated analog.
Anyhoo, it's getting close to that time where my day gets considerably worse, so I need to go make that happen.
Let's see if I can clear up my assertion of a distinctive Web 2.0 look. I by no means think all Web 2.0 sites look the same, but many of them seem to follow a certain style (big font sizes, lots of white space, 1.5 or double-spaced text, a few 3D graphics, softer colors, styled links). Check out the following Web 2.0-tagged sites:
Of course, I can be totally wrong :-)
I just came across this today. Take it with a big grain of salt.
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