Thursday, March 02, 2006

New Shoes.

I hate shopping for clothes. Perhaps its a leftover from my childhood and all those times I got dragged to Flah's or the Dress Barn or anyplace where I would have to wait while my mom tried things on or - lord help me - I had to try things on myself and then get tugged on and spun around. Oh the trauma of plaid pants and a three way mirror. And all those freaking pins in the dressing room just scattered about waiting to go through your foot. Good times!

That being the case - my wardrobe is pretty limited. Not like two shirts limited but limited enough that after two weeks you will pretty much know my wardrobe. I am not a fashionista.

Not too long ago I broke down and bought some Sketchers and Diesel shoes. The kinda a shoe / kinda a sneaker types. Of course, I am all impressed with myself because I have made this monumental decision to get new shoes after, oh a few years.

I wear them to work.

Later on when I'm home on that first day of the new shoes I tell my wife

"No one noticed my new shoes."
"What are you - a girl?" she asked.

Gotta love her.

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