Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Decisions Decisions

What a pain in the ass it is to work on a print all class only to have a piece of lint show up on the final one right as class ends. Grrr.

The class will end soon and I need to pick another class or decide how to otherwise proceed with photography as a hobby / possible part time business. The thing is, as usual, I am betwixt and between what to choose. More black and white? Go for color? Go for digital? Take a portrait class? Everything interests me.

Hell, for the past few days I've flipped through the SVA Continuing Ed. course catalogue and found that the classes in advertising, in film editing and yes, even voice over announcing appeal to me as well. I can make a case for any of them. It frustrates me. I always feel that the one true calling is out there and that I'm missing it while I spin my wheels with whatever my current interest is. Right now it's photography and because I'm not Ansel Adams, Annie Leibowitz or Helmut Newton yet, my mind races.

The sensible thing to do would be to just sign up for the next class in B&W, see how it goes and in the meantime go out and actually get a good 35mm SLR, a digital SLR, a new PC with Photoshop and some other basic equipment like lenses and filters and such and just shoot my ass off , keep learning and give myself some credit.

As coincidence would have it, my cousin Dina, a long time photo-retouch artist, has started a side business of her own doing candid baby, toddler and kid photography. I'm not sure what kind of portent that is, but she's really talented and I'm sure she'll do well with it. Right now the name of her website escapes me -- I'll post it later. Another buddy, Joel Kraft is the proud owner and principal photographer of Catskill Stills ( The good thing is at least I have some people doing it that I can talk shop with.

If I'm not a voice over announcer. :-)

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