Tuesday, November 15, 2005

For Sfumato

Last Monday I got out of my photography class at SVA late and made it to a train. I finally checked my calls and messages and saw that Sfumato had called but not left a message.

I was happy to see he tried to call me. Maybe he wanted to get together? Maybe chat about the Ultimate Fighter II matches? Go for a run? A hike? With those happy thoughts in mind I called him back.

When he answered he asked if I had talked to anyone and I told him no. Then he told me the reason he called - to tell me he was having the type of day I had just over a year ago. That was all he had to say for me to know that this was not the conversation I wanted to have and that my good friend was inconsolable. My first thought was that something had happened to one, some or all of the triplets or Debbie or her and the triplets. The news was not about them though.

Joe's parents were in a car accident in Virginia on Monday of last week. They were on their way to Florida for a vacation. Joe's father was severely injured but is recovering and has and will, from what I understand, undergo reconstructive surgery.

Joe's mom died in the crash.

I don't know the details of it. That's up to Joe to tell me if he wants to, and even then I won't post it here. What's important is that Joe lost his mother suddenly and tragically and that his father is alive and that they all have family and friends praying and pulling for them.

I just looked back at his blog and re-read his posts when Jenn died. I hate the fact that he had to write it at all but am heartened by his compassion, his support and it stirring him to live a better life. It's a lesson I'm still learning and here it is again. In recent times I've been a wreck even without having to deal with the loss of my sister, Jenn. It's been hard for me. Really hard. I don't wish it on anyone, least of all my friend. More than anything while I know we've both experienced sudden and tragic loss, I know that what he's going through is entirely unique and that there is little for me to do or say to make things better. But what the hell...


I told you this before, and you told it to me - It will get better in time. I promise.

You've got the triplets and your family and Deb. You know this. I'm sure it's amazingly apparent to you how much you have them at this point. I'm sure there are wonderful pictures of your parents with the triplets. That means something. Right now it might not seem like a lot and at times like these not a lot does.

The Fordham crew is here for you, too.

You hit the longest non-wind aided wiffle ball home run in the history of Van Siclen Drive wiffle ball. Hell, probably the longest home run ever in wiffle ball history. [Folks, that shot went from one end of my yard, threaded the branches of no less than three maple trees, flew over my parent's driveway, over the first part of my neighbor yard and landed one quarter of the way onto their roof.] It was a moon shot and you did it lefty and whilst doing a impersonation of Darryl Strawberry. A bazillion years later and lbs for the both of us you wrote about it. I love that. You can write, brother. Keep it up.

More than anything I just love you and Deb and the kids and the rest of the Rizzo clan. My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry.

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