Thursday, October 11, 2007

Weight update & some MMA talk

Current Weight: 213

I dropped eight pounds in the past 10 days. I also cut my body fat percentage by 4%. It would seem sticking to the RKC Challenge and doing phase 1 of the South Beach diet is helping. One more week to go on phase 1 from here and then on to phase 2 and more food choices until I hit my goal of 175 as walk around weight.

By walk around weight, I mean a weight that's pretty easy to maintain with decent training. If I were an MMA guy like Rory Markham, who is a king of cutting weight, I would be able to cut 20 lbs in a day and weigh in at 155 lbs and fight as a lightweight in the IFL. That means I'd be able to take on Chris Horodecki, Savant Young or Erik Ownings.

Correction, that means I'd be able to step into the ring and get my ass beat at 155, which is not really 155 btw. Those guys start sucking down sports drinks and pedialyte like its going out of style right after the weigh in. It's not the healthiest of things to do and definitely not for normal people who aren't in the condition these guys are. The question I always have is, how weak does it leave you?

I know right now that my heaviest kettlebell, the 70 pounder is way heavier now that I've restricted my calories. I'm not quite as strong as I was. In contrast to me, who is trying to burn fat, these guys are generally just losing body fluids, which can be replenished quickly. How weak it leaves you, I'm not sure. None of the guys we interviewed on the R.O.N. Show have talked about making them weaker. Maybe it doesn't or maybe we just forgot to ask the question.

If the MMA stuff interests you at all, you can check out The Ron Show or go right to the podcast page on talkshoe.

Or just listen to the show. There's more to life than just talking about losing weight after all...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congrats on the new weigh in. I am glad your diet is working out well for you. Be careful with the kettlebell so you don't hurt your rotator cuff.

If you remember what I posted to you before about my diet program, i went from 155 to a 167 mostly muscle weight. I am glad both of our programs are working well, too bad we can't train together like in the past.