Monday, October 01, 2007

Get stronger and lose weight with kettlebells

Progress is being made. I've gone from 229 to 221 in a little less than a month. At the beginning of that same period I bought two 50lb kettlebells and a copy of Pavel's "Enter the Kettlebell". . Sure, the book said I should probably get 34 pounders, but my ego got in the way. Shocking.

At first I could hardly do anything with the 50 pounders. Presses were impossible, Turkish Get Ups were really impossible and swings were doable but smoked me fast, especially one handed. I kept at it though and went through the RKC Minimum program exercises 5 days a week and ordered a 35 pounder to use for the Turkish Get Ups.

The work's paid off. I've dropped 8 lbs and just got a 70 lb kettlebell because the 50's were getting a bit too comfortable for larger volumes of swings and presses. Next stop is the 88 lb one and I think that should be it for my lifetime kettlebell purchases. I'll let you know when I get there.

With a bit more progress I think I'll be ready to either BJJ train again or start in with the Crossfit WOD at Fourth Power Fitness in Sacramento . I was going to join earlier -- but I was just waaaay to out of shape. I would have gotten hurt in BJJ and probably put myself in traction with an SST / Crossfit workout. Soon though. Almost ready for the next level.

Diet wise I'm trying to keep around 1800 - 2200 calories a day with a gradual adoption of the Zone Diet as I learn more about it.

Anyone out there training with kettlebells? Doing Crossfit? Doing the Zone Diet? Buelher?

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