Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Catchup

It's a great day because I just finished my first novel, "Inscrutable Logic". It's a novel about a OCD control freak wife, her cuckolded husband and the comi-tradgedy that unfolds when he snaps and kills her. It's been something I've kept under wraps for a while now.

And as luck would have it, I've been accepted to NYU Film School, The French Culinary Institute, SVA's MFA in Photography Program and, after three years of waiting, the US Marsall Service.

Man, do I have some decisions to make now.


Anonymous said...

And I'll have to show your post to my wife...Morgan Fairchild.

Happy April Fool's Day.

JimmyJames said...

Yeah, I mean someone has to escort the dangerous rogue polyester pants and nylon blouses from the front to the back and lets not forget about the fuzzy slipper escape of '95.