I took one class at SVA in Photography and decided that I'd rather join the
Westchester Photographic Society than pay the 500 bucks per class in tuition and fees each semester. The WPS costs just 40 bucks a year, has a ton of members, is very active with gallery displays, competitions, shoots and tutorials. Plus they have a dark room - or so their website says.
I've wanted to join since late December 2005, but I've only been able to come to one meeting since then because I've been trapped at work every Friday, QA'ing video launches. Why the videos need to be launched on a Friday is beyond me. Or even if it's going to be on a Friday, that stuff should be done early enough so that when I look at it I'm finishing by 6PM instead of starting.
It's very very frustrating that I cannot get home in time to make a meeting that starts at 8:30PM. On a FRIDAY.
The one meeting I did make it to was definitely worthwhile. First off I got to join the club and sit through one of their competitions. For the most part, the images being judged were very very good and from my pov, of professional caliber. Some of the Photoshoped stuff was a bit too much "look at my swirl filter" for my taste, but aside from that there were some powerful compositions nonetheless.
I also found out that they've pretty much junked the darkroom. No one uses it anymore. Not one of their members. The funny thing is, they all seem to be a lot older than me and I'd thought there'd be those who want to "preserve the old ways". Nope. Not a one. I asked whether or not they would be willing to open the darkroom for me and they said that it could be done, but that I would be on my own for anything that might be missing and would have to supply my own chemicals. I have not been back for another meeting so I have no idea what might be missing that I might need. A grain enlarger? A negative carrier? A timer? I have no clue.
So, this idea has turned out to be a disaster. I can't make the meetings, I am not shooting anything and I am not developing or printing anything - and I have lots. About 4 rolls of negatives without a print made and another 5 rolls of film undeveloped. Man that just pisses me off.
Granted, I could buy a darkroom bag and some chemicals, but devleoping does not mean squat if you cannot print. And, it's not like there is room for a darkroom at all here. No basement, no space under the stairs.
Of course, I can get what I have custom printed or just sign up for another SVA class or NYU class and get it done there - but that does not fix my problem of not having a place to work permanently.
Hello digital world. It's the only way for me to go right now. I can half ass it and just get the Canon Digital Rebel SLR or I can spend the cash and get the Canon EOS SLR - about the best pro-sumer gear you can buy. Throw in a copy of Photoshop, get a bigger monitor and a printer and I am good to go. Well, almost. Theres lighting. And lenses. And flashes. And reflectors. And even if I have all of that I still need to find compelling subject matter.
Then there's the part of me that says, "Hey man. While you are at it - get one of those new Macs and a copy of Premier and Final Cut and a digital full motion camera and get busy with that idea of being a film editor. Just do it. Stop thinking and just do. Take your vacation and spend it at one of those NYU Summer Intensive classes."
So far I have not answered that voice. I remain silent and for reasons unknown, scared as hell to pull the trigger. Photography itself is great and is something I want to do, but even still represents a bit of compromise. A failure to commit. The rationalizing (or is it the objective?) part of me tells me that breaking into digital photography is a good first step. A stepping stone. Or is it just a way of putting off what I really want?