Thursday, January 12, 2006

A short post

I was told that sometimes my posts get a bit long.

1 comment:

JimmyJames said...

LOL - concise indeed. Some family members that keep up with me via the blog said something to the effect of "You don't post forever and then you throw up a Moby Dick length post".

Yeah - I do BJJ, but not so much anymore with all of the injuries I seem to get. My left shoulder is fairly jacked up right now -- so much so that dancing at a wedding reception aggravates it. Coming back from BJJ it feels like I pitched 18 innings. If I just drill I can manage to avoid aggravating it, but if I roll with someone I have to ride the pain train later on. Over the summer it got so bad that I nearly passed out on the train on the way home. Sooo, not so much BJJ for James anymore. More guitar and more photography instead.

As for the video clip, thanks for sending it over! It's got some good techniques and culminates with a wicked injury. Oy, that had to hurt.