Saturday, May 21, 2005

Tooling Up

We've decided to wait till next weekend to put the new floor down. It's still too wet and this is not the type of thing to rush. The walls have stopped pushing out puddles of water, but the cement is still damp right around the kitchen wall, so we're running a fan on it and just giving it time.

We figure the water from the burst pipe froze underneath our master bath and kitchen floors and has been slowly melting and seeping into the dining area. Its the only thing we can think of to explain the water from the washer warping floor boards before the water from the burst pipe did.

Meanwhile, our dining area and hallway floors are a Meatpacking District loft cement chic.

There's also a growing arsenal of tools gathering in the dining area. We've got brand new Stanley screwdrivers, a Black & Decker 1/2" VSR drill/driver, a Ryobi 14 amp 71/4" circular saw, a mitre box and a Workforce workbench. Alas, I still lack the power sander that would grant me status and cachet amongst the Fordham Crew. Legend has it that our friend Jeff blew off a party of all parties because he had a new power sander and a deck to work on. Ever since, the power sander has taken on an almost mystical status. If you have one, you can get out of anything.

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