Friday, May 20, 2005


Ok, its time to throw some props around.
  • Lets here it for Joe Rizzo of Sfumato! Aside from his prolific blogging, Joe and his wife, Debbie, are going to have triplets (Pedro, Carlos & Mike)! On top of that, Joe has just made public that he has taken a job with Insight. On top of that, I belive Joe just covered the Mets / Yankees game tonight as a freelancer for SportsTicker. Pfffff. Yanks win. So again, much love and congratulations to Joe and Deb.
  • Jeff Healy of the Fordham crew is expecting baby "cuattro" at any time. The Rizzo's are quickly closing the gap, but as Healy would say 'Eh, though. I'm one up."
  • Dennis DeRobertis of D2 is slinging code and dodging bullets at Clarisa's old stomping grounds - Mastercard. Dennis has also signed a contract to write a book on how to use FrontPage. He's also got a children's book in the works.
  • Dave Chepiga is graduating Fordham University this weekend and getting his Masters in Education. While I cannot confirm, I will allege that he did it with a 4.0. Freaking great! It'll be nice to have him around again too now that his studies are winding down.

So that's it. People that I know are out there getting it done and movin' and groovin'. Way to go folks.

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