Friday, June 25, 2004

Action Pack for FrontPage Available at Amazon.

My good friend, Dennis Derobertis, the owner and creator of Office Power and D2Stuff, got a small measure of satisfaction the other day when his cousin called him and told him his Action Pack for FrontPage software was actually in stock at Amazon.

He's developed the software, designed the packaging, got the CD's pressed and packaged and got a distributor. He got his product listed on Amazon, but with a label of "out of stock or discontinued on it." All he needed was someone to make some phone calls and get a case sent to Ingram or some numbers entered in some inventory DB for the product to be listed as something people thought they could actually buy.

Whatever it was my buddy agonized for 1.5 yrs waiting for that final step to happen. I hope its not too late and that maybe some sort of relationship can be created between FrontPage and his product - one of those "in addition to" recommendations on Amazon might do a lot to drive business.

Anyhow, I am happy for him and sad because the cavalry is arriving a little late. :-(

If you use FrontPage to any sort of web work at all, check out his products at They are big time savers and well worth the cost. And of course, check out the ActionPack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip!