Tuesday, September 11, 2007

VJ is back.

Vanishing James was originally supposed to be a blog about what a pain in the ass it is for me to lose weight and share my successes, failures and joys and frustrations.

It didn't really work out that way. Well, I'm trying to reclaim that focus in the hopes of focusing myself on losing weight / getting in shape more and entertaining you all.

On the surface, weight loss is such an easy thing. The basic equation to solve the problem boils down to: Eat Less. Exercise More.

But there's a lot more to it than that though, eh? Well, starting tomorrow VJ is back with a focus on the weight loss struggle(s).


Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, you should check out http://www.weightlosssurgeryoptions.com

-Brought to you by your friends in Healthology

JimmyJames said...

Thanks guys! Awesome advice! Someone get me the Dyson. Let's start sucking.

Anonymous said...

Look above and you will see a classic james comment. Miss that. Frogin Awesome.