Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Icky sweat

A lot of people don't like to work out. They find sweating icky. They get wiped out. They want to lie down and take a nap afterwards. Worse, they feel like collapsing. They don't get the endorphin rush. They don't get a sense of well being afterward. They feel they are different from everyone else and they aren't getting what they should out of working out.

Well, when you're out of shape working out is going to be unpleasant and it's not going to take too much to get there. Simply put, you're fighting inertia -- your body is not used to the activity and your brain is not used to dealing with the discomfort. So, in the beginning you are going to suffer if you push yourself at all, but if you keep a consistent effort you'll never suffer so much as at the beginning. Keep at it and the rewards will come, and quickly in the beginning. You're not different. You will feel better. Now, if you smoke yourself, you won't, but a consistent moderate effort will generate that sense of well being afterward. Combine the workout with a decent diet that controls your insulin levels like The Zone Diet and you'll find yourself feeling much more even keeled than you have. And as you progress you will learn to listen to your body and know the difference between a hard effort and one that will crush you for the next few days. At the outset, it's going to be sooo easy to crush yourself, which in turn will probably turn you off to working out. As for the sweat - it's not icky! It means you're working! Good for you!

My problem has always been trying to reign in my workouts. I tend to go all gung ho and burn myself out. Not so much physically, but mentally I tend to quit after a few months because I was giving it so much focus and my mind goes "Ugh, that again?".

So, for me the trick is trying to make workouts it just part of the everyday routine rather than training for an MMA match. In other words, dial down the effort, dial up the consistency.

So here's what I'm trying to do:

Bike an hour
Swim an hour
Run an hour

Five days a week:
Kettlebell swings, presses, get ups, clean and jerks for about 30 minutes with varying intensity. Stopping when I feel I'm done. Only one really hard day.

Future workouts:
Crossfit training


Anonymous said...

Hey, I also started working out again. Except I want to add to my routine, a messload of supplements, NO2, Creatine, Protein Shakes, Amino Acids, Glucosomine. I am like a walking chemical lab in my stomach. LMFAO.

-Dan B.

JimmyJames said...

Zone Diet + Daily Vitamin + Consistent Workout Regimen.

Forget the other crap dude.

Anonymous said...

I would, but diet is the last thing I need. I need to gain mass. And lots of muscle mass. Depending on the spectrum of weight. If your light weight, then you need mass, if your on the other spectrum then a good diet minus the crap.

JimmyJames said...

Diet doesn't mean losing weight necessarily. Your diet is what you eat. and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health

Anyways, look into the Zone -- it's good choice for putting on muscle and controlling the glycemic index.

Anonymous said...

Card well played my man. Got me there. Busted out the definition. Well lets just say I am over amplifying my chances of getting bigger quicker.

-Dan B.