Tuesday, May 16, 2006


A year and a half ago or so I signed on with a small dot com called Healthology. Two acquisitions later and I'm an NBCUniversal employee. Wow. Life takes some odd turns.

Here's to an excellent future with the world's "employer of choice". I can only hope they don't over look little 'ol Healthology and that we get the resources, training, and management we need to get better or barring that -- that things open up elsewhere in the company. Right now it's too early to tell anything except that we are part of NBCUniversal. Witness that so far, in the form of "Welcome! We are not dismantling you!" gifts, I have received a tote bag, a $15 iPod gift card and DVD's of King Kong and the Constant Gardner. Zoom!

Plus, that trip to Universal Studios in July just got a bit cheaper. Nice!!

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