Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Golden Monkey. Drink it. Spank it. Drink it.

Last summer in mid July a few cool things happened:
  1. My brother in law came out to see us
  2. We saw a Yankee game in which El Duque made a successful return to Yankee Stadium
  3. We discovered Golden Monkey (by Victory)
We were up in Rhinebeck doing a little site seeing and shopping with Clarisa. Bored, hot and tired and hungry and most of all, thirsty, we stopped into Schemmy's to sit down and refresh ourselves.

The waitress tells us they have a new beer in and asks us if we would like to try it. She gives a sample and we love it. It's a Belgian style beer with "abundant fruity flavors" and supposedly packs a kick. We order a pint for each of us. About 10 minutes later and 3/4 of the way through our beers I look over at Matt and feel compelled to make a declaration...

"I don't know how this is possible, but I'm buzzed going on drunk." I said.
"Me too!" Matt said.

We were amazed.

So we finished them and ordered another round and in effect wound up downing a six pack worth of regular beer in less than an hour. Why? Because our magical golden monkey of the fruity flavors and glowing goodness packs 9.5% alcohol by volume.

Oh yes. Golden Monkey is an effective beer.

After that day, I never saw Golden Monkey again. None of the stores down here carry it, or at least they did not the last time I looked. Not that I shop for beer at all really, but when the mood struck now and again I never could find it.

Until now.

A little beverage center that we just happened to stop in on the way to see some friends of ours had it. Not being one to pass up an opportunity, I bought a case of it. As luck would have it, my brother in law is coming out in early July for vacation and to help with the house and once again we will be able to lift a few. AFTER the repairs. Lord knows how fucked up things might get otherwise...

The added bonus of this beer is that you get to say, think and write things like...

I'm happy to share my Monkey. I'll show you where my Monkey is and then let you go get some Monkey 'cos I'm a Monkey lova. I bet you like my Golden Monkey when its cold. Someone help me find my Monkey! I bet you want my Monkey! [inspired by Joe Cartoon's "Look at my Monkey" -- go watch it!]

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