Saturday, April 26, 2008


Been following, albeit a few days behind in the rotation. Instead of back squatting the other day though, I did an hour of oly lifting with the Atlas Lifting team at Fourth Power Fitness.

Can you say "Snatch"?

Good. I knew that you could.

Go say it to your mom.

Did your momma slap you?

Anyhoo my legs are still buzzing from an hour of nothing but oly lifting. And you know how that makes me feel? Super!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

On weekends it can sometimes be a bit hard to make it to the gym -- so I did some searching and came up with an extensive list of bodyweight only workouts from Eva T. That list, combined with my kettle bells and ring set mean I really have no excuses if I can't make it to class. Helen leaps to mind, using the rings for pull ups.

There's always something you can do, even if all you have is you. Push ups, situps, pull ups, burpees, walk, jog, run, sprint, squats, one leg pistols if you're capable. The list goes on and on.


On a side note, I told a friend about the shopping on the periphery of the supermarket approach to grocery shopping and she's going to give it a try today.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Still waiting on my CSCS exam results because they needed my CPR/AED certification. Faxed it today so I should have my results within a week.

So now we hurry up and wait.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Down to 189 and 12% bodyfat doing CrossFit and a strict Zone diet

Back on Feb 16th, 2008 got my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer certification.

Taking the CSCS exam Wednesday this week and CPR next week.

Then the hard part -- actually getting started as a trainer. Looking forward to the challenge!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1,2,3 Go!

Down to 202 lbs. Just deadlifted a PR of 150KG (330 lbs).

Nowhere close to doing the workouts of the day as prescribed by Crossfit -- but making great progress. Sitting pulse is now 58-60. Was 66-68 when I started.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

From Kettlebells to Crossfit

Three weeks ago I started Crossfit training at Fourth Power Fitness in Carmichael, CA. Actually - they do SST (Sports Specific Training) & Crossfit there, so I guess I'm doing both SST & Crossfit.

The kettlebell workouts are great and all, but you can only get so far with them plus I needed some human interaction. There's only so much time you can spend in an apartment before it starts to feel like a cell. Maybe Dostoevsky's Underground Man digs it, but not me.

Anyhoo -- The workouts there just blow the doors off of anything I've ever done. Sure, there were similar sessions in Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, but even those workouts were more limited in scope.

As for the results, since I started I dropped four pounds and cut my body fat by five percent while on a Zone-ish, South Beach-ish diet where the food intake is basically 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs with a concentration on low glycemic index carbs.

I'm watching my portion sizes but not going hungry -- just being sensible.