Thursday, November 29, 2007

From Kettlebells to Crossfit

Three weeks ago I started Crossfit training at Fourth Power Fitness in Carmichael, CA. Actually - they do SST (Sports Specific Training) & Crossfit there, so I guess I'm doing both SST & Crossfit.

The kettlebell workouts are great and all, but you can only get so far with them plus I needed some human interaction. There's only so much time you can spend in an apartment before it starts to feel like a cell. Maybe Dostoevsky's Underground Man digs it, but not me.

Anyhoo -- The workouts there just blow the doors off of anything I've ever done. Sure, there were similar sessions in Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, but even those workouts were more limited in scope.

As for the results, since I started I dropped four pounds and cut my body fat by five percent while on a Zone-ish, South Beach-ish diet where the food intake is basically 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs with a concentration on low glycemic index carbs.

I'm watching my portion sizes but not going hungry -- just being sensible.