It's Groundhogs Day.
Rejoice! Phil did NOT see his shadow and so we will have an early spring. Or something.
A member of the Fordham crew reminded me it's also the 15 year anniversary of our wild ass Groundhog's Day Party at Walsh Hall during our senior year. Holy crap that was a crazy night, a night which found me immortalized in film and eventually in the 1991 year book committing a Drunken Act. The photo editor, Tony, was a friend of mine at the time and I guess he thought it would be great fun to put THAT photo in the yearbook. Thanks Tony! Well, I can't get too upset -- he did talk the cops out of picking me up for trying to lob some NYC property (in the form of one metal street trash) can at a car of tough assholes that had thrown a brick at the car we were in for no reason.
It went something like this:
[brick gets thrown]
[crashing noise and the car stops on Jerome Avenue]
["MotherFuckers! Did they just do that!!?? Oh, those fucking sonsofbitches"]
[Drunken Kitch gets out of car, picks up trash can on corner and heads off toward the car full of tough assholes]
[Kitch's friends pull up and start pacing him in the car. The window comes down and they strongly encourage him to calm down. To breeze it, buzz it, ez does it play cooly cool boy because, and mainly, an NYPD patrol car was right behind them.]
[Gingerly lower trash can and put it down and pretend like nothing is going on. Facial expression tries to read "Oh? I had THAT? Oh, wow. No idea. Must have got stuck in my shoe."]
[Tony talks to cop and somehow convinces them that they would take me home]
[Of course we go to a bar full of nurses.]
Speaking of Groundhog's Day, I looove the movie. Great movie. Fantastic.
When I think about it, history is repeating itself for me as well. A year ago this month I was on the Abs Diet for a week or two and working out. Now I'm at it again. I managed to sloth my way all the way back to 218 not too long ago, dropped down to 213 and stayed there until I started AbsDiet v2. The disgusting thing was the 25% FAT reading from the scale. Argh.
Twelve days into AbsDiet v2 and I'm 210 and 20.2 % FatAss. All I can say is man - that's fat. It needs to come off before it can do any more damage than it has. This time around I'm going to NYCS for the workouts and the membership is a good deal - I can go to anyone of them anywhere. The new one here in White Plains is ginormous. Vast. Huge. Spacious. Really. Really. Nice. The ones in NYC around work are tiny and shitty in comparison. If it were not for the White Plains club, I'd feel ripped off.