Friday, September 24, 2004

No hurricanes this vacation, thanks

Back on September 13th, Clarisa and I were supposed to be catching a plane to FL and starting our Universal Studios / Islands of Adventure vacation. That was about the same time Charley was engulfing Florida. As early as Thursday night our flight was canceled and we called Priceline asking for some help canceling our trip. Maybe their help desk is in India or something, because they sure did not seem to hurricane aware. To make a short story shorter - they refunded our money but we were out a trip.

Not wanting to stay home we looked at each other and said -- what the hell lets go to CA and see your relatives. So we did just that and about 10 minutes after having no vacation trip we were booked to fly out to Sacramento where we would get our rental car and drive the 150 + miles to Redding, CA where we would be staying and seeing her relatives.

Overall the trip was great. I got to ride a quad up near Mt. Lassen, raced some crazy remote controled all terrain buggies and trucks and got to know my relatives a bit better.